Year: 2012

Decision Table

A decision table represents the comlex decision logic associated with a data-processing job. A decision table summarized the action to be taken depending on the...

System Life Cycle – Classical definition

A system is a set of interacting elements that responds to inputs producing outputs. The events which together make up the development, operation and maintenance of...

Find a root of x = e-x using Bisection Method

Bisection method is the most simplest method of solving algebraic or transcendental equations. It involves selecting an interval [a,b] in which the root lies such...

What is the backbone of SOA connectivity?

This is a core question that we need to ask when we talk about SOA (Service oriented architecture). SOA connects enterprise components within and outside...

Which REST framework should I use

There are multiple Java based REST frameworks that is use today. Some of the top players are as below –                 1. Reslet –

Treating product requirements – The ideal way

Product requirements need to be treated with suspicion as if they really needed for the essential capability for a product release. Always prioritize product requirements...

Agile / Scrum methodology – Explained simple

Agile software development methodology is suitable for time-boxed iterative system development scenarios. The software product is released as various versions or releases, typically in time-boxes...

Numerical solution by method of Iteration

Solving x = 1/ (1+x)1/2 using iteration method – Iteration is a method of solving algebraic or transcendental equation and is widely used in computer...

Basics of Mechanical Fitting and safety

Fitting is the assembling together of parts and removal of metals to secure necessary fit. Following safety measures need to be taken in fitting workshop...

Events and States

Events and States are differentiated below – Events States Anything that happen in time Shows the attributes values of object at a particular point in...

Actors and Data Stores

Actors: Actors are objects represented in the functional model that produce or consume data. An actor may store some data for further processing steps. Data...

State Diagram – Car

The state diagram may be drawn by considering the concurrency property of the aggregate objects that make up the car object ie. each aggregate object...

Object Diagrams with Multiple Inheritance

Below is an example of implementation of multiple inheritance – The Class ‘Universal’ inherits from two classes A/ and D/C, thus exhibiting multiple inheritance. Mutiple...


Abstraction may be defined as all those essential characteristics features of an object class which makes it different from other object classes. Abstraction as applied...


Multiplicity refers to the number of object class instances of one class may be associated to the other class. An n+ symbol indicates that there...


Inheritance is the most basic feature of any Object Oriented programming language. It refers to the derivation of sub classes from a base/super class. The...


Qualification is an association which involves an association and a qualifier which uniquely identifies certain features of one of the associated classes. Below example explains...

Object Modeling Technique (OMT)

Object Modeling Technique used in object oriented modeling and design which use the usual principles of system development like analysis, design an implementation but applying...

Instance Diagram

A sample instance diagram is as shown below. The diagram represents a expression evaluator –...


Aggregation refers to combining the assembled parts of a single part. In terms of Object Management Technology, aggregation may be defined as representing the object...