C# Inheritance

We generally apply the concept of inheritance to implement a IS-A relationship. For example to implement a relationship that says an Apple is a Fruit or Earth is a cosmic object. We use inheritance very carefully so that it does not lead to long complex/un-maintainable object hierarchies, but to implement very specific object hierarchies with least coupling as possible. Below is simple to show how we implement Inheritance in C# –

Parent Class – VisibleObject
using System;
namespace Inheritance
    public class VisibleObject
        public string Visibility { get; set; }
        public void Copy()
            Console.WriteLine("The Object was Copied");
        public void Move()
            Console.WriteLine("The object was moved");
Child Class – Verbiage
Note how we use the ‘:’ operator to inherit parent class
using System;
namespace Inheritance
    public class Verbiage : VisibleObject
        public float FontSize { get; set; }
        public string Font { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public void AddHtml(Verbiage verbiage)
            string html = "<html><body><div style=\"visibility: " + 
                   verbiage.Visibility + "\"><font type=\"" + 
                   verbiage.Font + "\" size=\"" + verbiage.FontSize + "\">" + 
                   verbiage.Text + "</font></div></body></html>";
            Console.WriteLine("Added HTML! {0}", html);
Usage – 
Note how the parent property and methods are accessed via the child object
namespace Inheritance
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var verbiage = new Verbiage();
            //sets parent property
            verbiage.Visibility = "hidden";
            verbiage.Font = "Arial";
            verbiage.FontSize = 12;
            verbiage.Text = "Best Website on the internet!";
            //calls parent methods