Month: July 2020

Managerial Issues of Software Engineering

Software Engineering is the discipline that has historically studied, developed and is continuously improving methods, processes, techniques and frameworks to facilitate the analysis, design, development,...

Software Engineering

Computer Software or Software is an integral part of this Information Age which enables information collection, storage, processing and management of Information within machines or virtual...

Depth First and Breadth First Traversal

Depth first traversal of a Graph could be used to traverse a directed or un-directed graph and thus creating a spanning tree. Depth first traversal...

Linked representation of Graphs in C

There are many in-inadequacies in using the Adjacency Matrix representation of Graphs. Once such inadequacy is the difficulty in adding or deleting nodes while data...

Representing Graphs and Networks in C

A Graph is a data structure that consists of a set of nodes interconnected by directed or un-directed arcs. For a DIRECTED Graph, the ordered pair of nodes...

Merge and Radix Sorts

Merge Sort Merge Sort is a process of combining more than one sorted files into a single sorted file. The procedure is to divide a...