Day: March 30, 2017

C# Program to find Age

Below is a C# program to find Age from a Date of Birth. Enjoy! public class Person    {        public string Name { get; set; }        public Person(DateTime birthdate)        {            BirthDate = birthdate;        }        public DateTime BirthDate { get; private set; }        public int Age{                        get { ...

Usage of params modifier in C#

Lets see how to use params modifier in C#. The perfect example is Calculator implementation. ‘params’ access modifier when used on a method argument, allows...

Constructor overloading in C#

Constructors need to be overloaded depending on what extend of data/properties need to be initialized in order to set the object to a particular state....

Using LINQ in C#

LINQ or Language Integrated Query gives the capability to query objects and C# allows two distinctive ways to achieve this – You can either use LINQ...

Using DateTime in C#

Below is very simple usage of DateTime – class DateTimePr     {         static void Main(string args)         {             var datetime = new DateTime();             var now = DateTime.Now;             var today = DateTime.Today;             Console.WriteLine(now);             Console.WriteLine(today);             Console.WriteLine(now.Hour);             Console.WriteLine(now.ToLongDateString());             Console.WriteLine(now.ToString());         }     }...

Reading a file in C#

Below is a simple program in C# that reads a file and outputs the longest word in it. Enjoy! using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace <yourNS> {     class FilesNDirs...

Finding Lowest number from a List in C#

Below is a simple program to find the lowest number from a list of numbers – using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace GroundCSApp {     class GetSmallest     {         public static void Main(string argvs)         {             var numlist = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };...

Simple C# Programs

Here is some basic, simple, handy C# programs for you to enjoy and refresh your memory – using GroundCSApp; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace GroundCSApp {     public enum ShippingMethod     {...

Code Reuse via Composition in C#

Composition is a common object oriented concept that enables us to implement loose coupling as well as code-reuse. Lot of times we recommend our developers...

Constructor Inheritance in C#

Like any other Object Oriented Programming language, C# does not allow parent constructor to be automatically inherited. It need to explicitly defined in the derived...

Dynamic Typing in C#

Well, C# provides this option to prove that it is flexible. If you are too fond of dynamic typing, use scripting languages such as PHP!...

C# Generics

C# Generics are really useful when we want to reuse a class for different types and with constraints on what those types would be without...

C# Indexers

C# Indexers is a simple implementation of key/value pairs using Dictionary type. Below is a sample implementation of a telephone directory –TelephoneDirectory class using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Indexers...

C# Inheritance

We generally apply the concept of inheritance to implement a IS-A relationship. For example to implement a relationship that says an Apple is a Fruit...

C# Abstract Classes Vs Interfaces

We use abstract classes when the base class can’t have concrete implementation and that we need the derived class to fully implement it. If at...

Simple Stop Watch implementation in C#

Below is a simple stop watch implemented in C#, enjoy!StopWatch using System; namespace StopWatchApp {     public class StopWatch     {         public DateTime StarTime { get; set; }         public DateTime StopTime { get; set; }         public string ClockState { get; set; }         public void StartClock()         {             if(this.ClockState == "started")                 throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid Operation");             this.StarTime = DateTime.Now;             this.ClockState = "started";         }...

Simple Workflow Engine Implementation in C#

Below is a simple implementation of work flow engine using interfaces and the concept of injecting overloaded class implementations via the dependent class method. The...