Category: Application Architecture

JDK Vs .NET SDK – Nuts and Bolts

JDK JDK (V22 as of July 2024 , Java V22) is the basic developer kit for developing and running Java applications. It includes the Java compiler (javac that compiles...

Towards Blazor

Need for Single Page Apps Before we delve into what Blazor is and how you can use it for your potential development needs, it will...

Building Razor Page Web app. in .NetCore

ASP.NETCore Razor pages and ASP.NETCore MVC are both server rendered / server based frameworks for building web apps with .NET. In both techniques/approaches, we use...

MVC Architecture

MVC architecture has been in place since past 4 decades or so when GUI (Graphical Use Interfaces) started to be used widely. The idea is simple...

Using Extension Methods in C#

Extension methods are a way to add methods to a class without changing its source code or adding it into a derived class. Creating extension methods example...

C# Events and Delegates

We use events and delegates to extend applications and to implement loose coupling. Rather than adding various method calls within an implementation and then recompiling the class,...

Using C# Delegates

  Delegates is a way to support addition of multiple features (eg: methods) to a framework without the need to recompile the core class that...

Preferred Multithreading in C# ASP.NET

Parallel execution has been one of the core techniques of programming languages that enables and stabilizes the heavy orchestrated flow of information across information management...

Software Project Size

Software Project Size is of great importance since it determines the level of management controls and the types of tools and technologies required for a...

Software Engineering then and now

Software Engineering is and will be the backbone and driving force behind the technological advancements that we enjoy and that will lead us to greater...