Category: Software Development

Bubble Sort in C

Lets explain Bubble sort by illustrating tow specific examples involving steps where smaller numbers bubbles to first and when larger numbers bubbles to last. Number...

Efficiency and Order of a Sorting Program

Efficiency Considerations The following are the efficiency considerations while planning for a sorting program / algorithm – Time required to code the program and the...

Efficiency of Recursion

In general cases, a non-recursive program runs more efficiently than a recursive program since a recursive program requires more execution time to enter and exit...

Recursion in C

Recursion Recursion and Iteration are two different concepts of achieving a result by a number of repeated operations. Iteration involves use of for, while and...

Doubly Linked Lists

Doubly Linked lists eliminates below drawbacks of circular lists – not able to traverse backward not able to delete and node given only points to...

Dynamic Circular Linked Lists in C

Circular lists eliminates same drawbacks of linear lists. In as circular list it is assumed that items are inserted at the front and the list...

Dynamic Linked Lists as Queues in C

When Dynamic Linked Lists are represented as Queues, the first node represents front of queue given by q.front and last node represents the rear of...

Implementing Dynamic Linked Lists in C

List is a type of dynamic data structure which rectifies certain drawbacks of Stacks and Queues. Lists generally uses the concept of pointers which points...

Queues and its implementation in C

A Queue is a First In First Out (FIFO) which is an ordered collection of items which are deleted at the front end and inserted...

Game Trees

Game Tree is one of the applications of Binary Trees. For example the one implemented for the Tic-Tac-Toe Game. X | X | X O...

Traversing a Binary Tree in C

There are generally 3 traversal strategies for Binary Trees – INORDER, PREORDER and POSTORDER. For eg:, the inorder, preorder and postorder traversal of an expression tree...

C program for Hailstones series

Hailstones is a sequence of numbers that could be generated from any positive number by performing a specific operation on it until it reaches 1....

for loops in C

The ‘for’  loop is another important looping structure which could replace ‘while’  and ‘do .. while’ loops. It has a special feature that the initialization,...

C program to implement Russian Peasant

Here is a C program that I wrote years back to implement Russian Peasant method of an interesting multiplication technique – main(){ int a, b,...

While Loop in C

Like do-while loop, While loop is the most commonly used looping construct to repeat a process or calculation for a set or collection of inputs...

Do – While Loops in C

Looping constructs is an important programming language technique to repeat a process or calculation for a set or collection of inputs or storage based on...

C Program to check for leap year

Here is a C program to check for leap year – main () { int year; printf("Please enter any year as 4 digits>> "); scanf("%d",...

Making decision in C program

Decision making is an important aspect of programming language that enables the programmer to arrive at a conclusion based on certain data processing, comparisons and conditional...

Declaring variables in C language

C programming language allows to define and classify data so we can use it appropriately in various parts of the program in the correct form...

C Programming Language

C language developed at Bell lab by Dennis Ritchie on UNIX environment. UNIX was later rewritten in C. An earlier version of C is BCPL...

Recursive C program for Binary search

Below is an example Recursive C program to perform Binary – int binsearch(int low, int high, in a, X){ int mid; if(low > high){ return(-1);...

Bubble sort in C

Simple bubble sort in C – for (i=0; i<n-1; i++){ for(j=i+1; j<n; j++){ if(x[j] < x[i]){ temp = x[j]; x[j] = x[i]; x[i] = temp;...

File Operation in C

Below is a simple C program to perform file operation – include <stdlib.h> main() { FILE * file_source char * file_name = (char*) malloc (sizeof...

Traversing a Binary Tree in Preorder

A binary tree can be traversed in two basic ways – preorder and postorder. Explained below is the process or preorder traverse of a binary...

Binary Tree

Binary Tree is a basic data structure that is used behind the scenes of all major technologies whether it’s a Database system or operating system,...

Simple HTTP log analyzer

Here is a simple light weight HTTP analyzer written in PHP. I wrote this to brush up my skills writing schedulers for a typical LAMP...

Stack Vs Heap

Stack and Heap refers to 2 distinct memory areas utilized by an executing program based on the data type of data that it deals at...

What is the purpose of static modifier?

Static modifier is commonly used in all programming languages. There are two distinct reasons for using the static modifier whether its C, Java, C#, PHP or...

Arrays Vs Lists – Which one to use?

Both Arrays and Lists helps us to store list of elements. But which one to choose is an important design decision that is directly related...

C# File, Directory Manipulation

C# provide two versions of File, Directory manipulation options – 1) Static methods based and 2) Instance methods based. Static method based operations are provided...

MVC Architecture

MVC architecture has been in place since past 4 decades or so when GUI (Graphical Use Interfaces) started to be used widely. The idea is simple...

C# Program to find Age

Below is a C# program to find Age from a Date of Birth. Enjoy! public class Person    {        public string Name { get; set; }        public Person(DateTime birthdate)        {            BirthDate = birthdate;        }        public DateTime BirthDate { get; private set; }        public int Age{                        get { ...

Usage of params modifier in C#

Lets see how to use params modifier in C#. The perfect example is Calculator implementation. ‘params’ access modifier when used on a method argument, allows...

Constructor overloading in C#

Constructors need to be overloaded depending on what extend of data/properties need to be initialized in order to set the object to a particular state....

Using LINQ in C#

LINQ or Language Integrated Query gives the capability to query objects and C# allows two distinctive ways to achieve this – You can either use LINQ...